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Provost Bean’s Senate numbers are wrong: UO’s senior administrators are overpaid.

When using identical and comparable institutions: UO senior administrators are paid 120% of their peers. UO full professors are paid 81% of their peers. Scroll down for spreadsheets. Comparison institutions are all public and private PhD granting institutions from the Chronicle of Higher Ed. This is the comparison group UO…

underpaid administrators

5/14/2009: At yesterday’s UO Senate meeting Provost Bean spent a long time talking about “misinformation spread by blogs.” We are happy to hear he’s been reading UO Matters, and we welcome his response to our comments on his speech: He refused to repudiate his Furlough meeting claim that UO’s Admin…


5/8/2009: Note: on 5/26/2009 we got this comment on this post and it sounds pretty knowledgeable. We’ve left the original post up, but take it with a grain of salt. “This is a very carefully sliced history. A more balanced view with a baseline from a few years ago: We…